競爭or干擾 一線之間
世界男子巡迴第八站Trestles分站發生了兩場interference, 原本刺激的比賽又再添更多變數. 比賽中, 只要裁判一判定是選手干擾(interference)比賽, 該選手的第二道計分浪不是規0就是砍半, 幾乎是無法再獲勝. 咻咻原本在fantasy所看好的goofy選手, 背向carve威力最強的Nat Young, 在八強比賽一開始爭奪浪權失利, 遭到Gabriel Medina有信心的搶浪, 看來他在第一站黃金海岸被Glenn Hall上了一課後, 反而對優先權priority(P)有通透的了解, 甚至變成了戰術.
咻咻也整理了一下發現, 這兩場的優先權發生的細節不太一樣, 一個是比賽開始的時候, 選手皆無優先權. 而Michel Bourez v.s Seba 那場, 則是在比賽最後哨音響起的瞬間. 總結再加上一般來說比賽中段的規則, 並稍微翻了一下WSL rule book 規則說明書來三段整理如下:
[Trestles] Quarterfinals Heat4 : Gabriel Medina v.s Nat Young
這段影片還帶有一點戲劇成分, 理論上Gabriel Medina 最後那一抖抖腳滑摔更是確定裁判的判決, 成為了WSL規則理所說的"擁有得分潛力的選手"(the scoring potential of the Surfer), 這個動作可說完全歸功於之前Glenn Hall對年輕人的教導. 如果不是這樣演, 不一定會判干擾比賽.
由影片來看, 一開始 Nat Young 視野雖有帶到, 但心裡肯定是打定後頭的Medina追不過他. 誰知浪頭上力道超乎想像, 還在猶豫中收板稍微慢了一點而已, 隨即被輾過, 差點還來得及對Medina說聲 "請".
Article 146:
Interference Rules for Non-Priority
The Surfer deemed to have the inside position for a wave has
unconditional right of way for the entire duration of that Ride.
Interference will be called if during that Ride a majority of Judges
determine that a Surfer has hindered the scoring potential of the
Surfer deemed to have right of way for the wave.
Anyone who stands up in front of a Surfer with right of way has the
chance to Ride or kick out of the wave without being called
interference, unless they hinder the scoring potential of the Surfer
with right of way by any means. These include excessive hassling,
leash pulling or breaking down a section.
[Gold Coast] Round3 Heat6 : Glenn Hall v.s Gabriel Medina
2015賽季一開始回顧Gold coast分站, Medina黃袍加持理應無人能擋. 結果這場他在最後三分鐘落後0.06分, 情急之下想要一次衝破對方防守線不成, 收板之後看起來幾乎快碰觸到, 於是乎真的碰到了裁判的底線. Medina 還回頭角了 Hall 兩眼, 順便交換了一下垃圾話.
不過反覆看都沒錯, 結果都是一樣世界冠軍理虧. 其中可以提到一個防守原則就是, 左跑檔左邊, 右跑檔右邊, 即使是有P在身上的選手有優先權. 但只要一有下浪動作, 這個權利就是release回到對方身上, 更何況P還在Hall身上. 正常的排演就像是像下一場Michel Bourez v.s Seba 的比賽.
Article 152: Priority Rules
General Priority
152.07 (何時失去優先權)
The Priority Surfer will lose priority if in the opinion of the Head
Judge or Priority Judge they:
(a) Paddle in front of the non-Priority Surfer to deliberately
impede them from catching a wave.
(b) Position themselves in the take off zone to prevent
another Surfer from catching a wave.
(c) Use their priority by either paddling for or taking off on a
wave to block their opponent when the Surfer with priority
appears to have had no intention to score. In this situation
priority can be awarded regardless of which Surfer reaches
the take-off zone first after the Ride.
[Trestles] Round2 Heat11 : Michel Bourez v.s Sebastian Zietz
只是意外的是那響辣巴聲, 讓結果最後竟然翻轉, 也許兩個人都不知道發生甚麼事. Seba 在比賽結束前總分是8.33+8.27=16.6分, 還大領先Michel 4.5分, 本來可以順利拿到敗部復活的資格晉級. 一切就像剛講的右跑檔右邊, 看起來是還想跟Michel玩一下, 原本只是想追追浪順便回家.
反覆看了幾次發現, Seba 最後已經認為勝券在握了, 壓根兒沒想到連這還有規則, 撥水撥了好一陣子, 重複看甚至會覺得有點逗趣. 比賽終了辣巴聲就剛剛好在他還沒完全起乘時響起, 瞬間就構成 Michel 是衝最後一道浪的選手, 開起了絕對無敵, Seba直接被判干擾比賽, 到手的肥羊飛了直接打包回家.
Article 152:
General Priority
Once a heat has ended all priority ceases. If a surfer is riding on a
wave as the heat ends they can't be interfered with by any surfer
(even if that Surfer had higher priority before the heat ended). If an
interference occurs the violating Surfer will receive a priority
situation interference.
Summary 2015 ~now
1st _Gold Coast _Round3 Heat6 : Glenn Hall v.s Gabriel Medina
2nd_Bells beach _Round3 Heat10 : Jadson Andre v.s Taj Burrow
4th_Rio de Janerio_Round1 Heat1: Bebe Durbidge v.s Glenn Hall v.s Nat Young
5th_Fiji Pro_Round3 Heat11 : Jeremy Flores v.s Bebe Durbidge
8th_Trestles_Round2 Heat11 : Michel Bourez v.s Sebastian Zietz
Quarterfinals Heat4 : Gabriel Medina v.s Nat Young
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